Where are all the boys in this world? Our six cooks, Polly and Buffy to start with then Godparents to Buffy have Lottie, Bess, Sophie and 5 girl cats, my VBF has her own girl dog Fudge, His Royal Gayness has his two girls Molly and Gracie then there are the five girls belonging to Polly's Godparents at Chestnut House Hotel, oops, make that six, there's a pussy cat too!

We've been down for our usual trip today and I decided to sit inside and watch a Big Brother episode that I missed last night. Polly was outside socialising and eying up the food containers but Buffy came inside with me. She sat looking into the conservatory where cat was. The door was ajar so cat could come in and out but Buffy's slightly rotund figure wouldn't fit through. She sat staring in, she was in hunting mode and didn't move for about 20 mins. Then she decided she'd try and get through the gap. There wasn't a chance she'd do it but oh how she tried. First it was a front paw and shoulder followed by the other paw but her other shoulder wouldn't fit so she tried it the other side first. She has an iron will and kept on trying but to no avail. She stood back, had a think and then tried opening the door with her head. No good either. A temper tantrum ensued followed by much barking and cat just sat on the chair looking at her. She knew she was safe.
So off Buffy went outside. Back last week the chooks weren't sure what to make of her. She's their size but doesn't look anything like them. She likes to eat their food though and they (particularly Grace and Lizzie) weren't having any of it. Grace won't have any messing from Buffy and regularly puts her in her place but Buffy's used to being part of a lively menagerie and keeps going in to see them.
They're getting used to me too, they even untied my shoelace today.
They still fight off any affection I might want to bestow on them but they recognise me now and start making a big fuss when they see me. They know freedom is on it's way and as I open their door they charge out. The problem comes when I want to put them back in. A bit like my own girls they have minds of their own and it's like a Benny Hill sketch with me running after them all in a line. It was taking so long I had to devise a fail safe system. Their favourite treat is mealworms so I rattle the container and they all come running to me then I drop them into the run from the top. They all dash in to gobble them up and before they know it I've done a head check and locked them back in.
I took Polly down in her new halter today and while she wasn't thrilled about it I think she'll get used to it, she didn't like the lead at first. There were a couple of times today when she just lay down and refused to move - not easy, you try shoving a 4 stone lump along! Then on the way home she really dragged her feet. I'll get my dad to take a photo of the three of us tomorrow as it does make rather a lovely sight!