The place is a mess! After Feathers Lodge was so beautifully decorated a couple of months moulting season is upon us and feathers are all over the place. Doris is looking scruffier than ever but anyone worried about her please believe me she is ab fab. She even had a go at Polly this morning when there was a scuffle over breakfast.

Penny and Hetty have lost their tail feathers and it looks so strange because normally they are the strong beautiful ones but like Doris they're looking a bit scraggy at the moment. When their moult starts they stop laying eggs but it soon starts again.
They're Welsummers and the lay the most delicious dark brown eggs with golden yolks.
The ex batt girls however are showing no signs of loosing feathers and are still laying nice and regularly.
Helen even had a go on the trampoline the other day! She'd seen Buffy on there and was flapping about wanting to see what was going on up there so I lifted her on. She had a little trot around on it then decided it was much more exciting at ground level.
Buffy on the other hand was perfectly happy to spend the aftternoon up there away from all the other girls. She likes a bit of alone time.
What a happy life you live !
It is indeed a happy life and I owe it all to The Kiwi!
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