Buffy would spend every waking moment on the look out for squirrels and foxes. It used to be pigeons too but since getting the chooks she doesn't seem to mind them anymore. Oh there's a very large black crow that teases her mercilessly sitting on our cherry tree while she barks and barks, then it flaps its wings and swoops down just out of reach of Buffy's hungry jaws and flies to the other side of the garden to gloat a while longer.

Well here she is on duty looking out of the back door checking on her domain. She'll stay like that for hours. Quite chilled, making sure the chooks are ok and watching Polly potter round.
Then when she spots something she sits up, alert.

Realising this is a potential chase situation she circles round barking, I open the door and she flies out. She's like the wind is our Buffy. Built for comfort but my goodness can she move. When she reaches the end of the garden she puts the breaks on and her back legs almost come in front of her face as she skids to a halt.
She's seen off the potential baddy (whatever it may have been) and then she's back but prefers to sit outside because she knows there's something out there. She needs to be ready for them.
Then as dusk falls, the chooks are safely tucked up in bed, and Polly is resting, Buffy cuts a lonely figure. She's moved further out into the garden now still on the look out for any would be trespassers. Woe betide any man, woman or beast who comes onto her turf uninvited!
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