Princess Buffy doesn't like to socialise. Well, she does with humans - can't get enough of them actually - but not other four legged creatures. Certainly not her little brother Baxter who is just adorable. He is a bundle of eagerness waiting for her to notice him, one glance of approval from her would be something but he just gets on her nerves - she has NO time for him.
Bess and Lottie however are a different kettle of fish (or should that be dogs?). Their friendship began 2 years ago when both sets of parents together with the 3 dogs went on a canal holiday for a week. Might I add, none of us knew eachother very well. It rained - oh how it rained - but what a giggle we had. Us girls were up front reading and chatting and having the odd GnT and the boys were out back frequently exceeding the 4mph speed limit, causing mayhem and having the odd tinny. All three dogs did their own thing - Bess spent all her time on the look out for ducks, Lottie was traumatised by the whole experience and spent all her time in bed (didn't matter who was having an afternoon nap - she was with them), and Buffy was out back with the boys. She wanted to be where the action was, unfortunately she got more than she bargained for. On one occasion The Kiwi was dying for a pee and as the loo was engaged he decided to aim into the canal. He didn't aim well enough though because there, as close to the edge as she could get, was The Buff peering over - she got wet, and it wasn't the rain!
After those fabulous 7 days strong friendships were formed not only with us grown ups but Bess and Lottie are now firm favourites with Buffy. One evening she even went round to their house on her own but that's a whole other story. So, she's had a lovely day today, being part of a pack was quite a nice treat for her.
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