I know they are all God's little creatures, I know they have cubs to feed at this time of year and I honestly wouldn't see any harm come to one however PLEASE let me have a full night's sleep!
At the moment my nights are more active than my days. The days are spent with all us girls in the garden merrily doing what we do best - chilling and eating but heavens when dark falls ...............................
Settling into bed at about 10.30pm last night all was well with the world. Buffy went straight to sleep and lights were out soon after. Just as I was dropping off The Buff started twitching. If she hears something outside she's up and downstairs before I even open my eyes but if she just senses something the legs twitch. Now I know that if I just let her out she'll give the garden the once over and then within minutes were back snuggled up again. Last night I made the mistake of thinking I had more willpower than her. I decided to just let her twitch. Well she did. Imagine it, lying there knowing that eventually she's going to win and you know you're going to have to let her out but once - just once - you want her to give up on it first.
1.5 hrs later - what a waste of time - I gave in. Yes, she twitched and whinged and huffed her way through 90 minutes of what should have been my sleep time and she still won in the end, I just wonder how long she would have gone on for. She is a girl who knows how to get what she wants - she has staying power alright. As per usual, once round the garden and she was straight back again. So, we're now on 12.30am. 1am arrives and she's off again, not with a twitch but with a thundering leap off the bed. By the time I'd got downstairs she had disturbed Polly so not only was Buffy frantically jumping around inside but there was Polly jumping around outside. It was like something from a National Lampoons movie - bleating, barking, hooves stomping, me stage whispering for them to be quiet, it was all going on. And to top it all I didn't look great. I was sporting hair that was standing on end, rolled up pj's so they didn't dangle in Polly poo and gardening cloggs on my bed socked feet, not something that would get me on the cover of Vogue Magazine.
It was straight back to bed for the second time and then within 5 minutes a loud clatter and the sound of a fence shuddering as something jumped over it. More bleating, barking, and even snorting (from Buffy not me). Something had been outside and the rake had fallen over (hence the clatter), a bowl of water had been knocked over and indeed there was evidence of a bush having parted as the nifty critter jumped over into next door.
All I can say is thank you very much Polly for not disturbing me at all this morning. I heard her pottering around the garden around 6am but she didn't call for me once. Note to any would be burglers - don't try our place - we're on constant alert!
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