Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Layging Again

My original Welsummer Girls, Hetty and Penny had a moult in September and since then there have been no signs of eggs from either of them.  My darling ex bats have produced one egg every other day between them so I've certainly had enough for myself but I usually put a little table at the end of our driveway with some eggs and an honesty box.  All proceeds go to the British Hen Welfare Trust so my girls are helping other caged girls to be set free.

Finally this week Hetty produced one beautiful big brown egg.  The Welsummers lay very dark brown eggs and their yolks are golden and firm - delicious.  I knew for days beforehand that she was going to "drop one".  Her comb was getting larger and redder and she had started to squat when I wanted to catch her.  This means they're ready for mating.  Then the great day came and she squawked before and after announcing to everyone that she had performed her duty.

A couple of days later Penny obliged too and here they both are basking in the glory of their hard morning's work.  Now I can get earning some extra cash for the BHWT, a table will be out there today.  This marks the true beginning of Spring for me.  Daffodils are out and so are the eggs!

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