2012 has been a bit of a sad time really. I started the year with these 6 beautiful girls. Here they are out on walkabout together. Hetty, Doris, Penny, Joan, Helen and Mary. First the delightful Doris died, then last month Helen and only yesterday we lost Joan.

I've already blogged about Doris who was never really a well chicken. She suffered most of her life with breathing difficulties and every few months had to have some medication. She was a happy girl though, bossy at times but definately the mother hen of the group. Those last few nights with her were terrible. I sat up with her willing her to breathe til we could get her to the vet but in the end The Kiwi and I realised the best place for her was the great big chicken coop in the sky.
Helen was a different matter altogether. She came to us along with Joan in December 2010. There's a page dedicated to their first few days with me, it's a lovely read if tinged with sadness. Helen was the most affectionate of my girls. She'd be cuddled all day long if I'd let her. I got to the stage where I could do almost anything while holding her. Any time children came round she was the one I could rely on to oblige when they wanted to see what it was like to stroke a hen and pick one up. My trustee snuggly girl. Here she is being held by my good friend "The Dish" who actually didn't want to put her down.
On 6th April after being very sleepy and withdrawn for a few days I wrapped her up and put her on the chair in my bedroom. She loved it there - had even laid her eggs there. I went out to work and when I got home she'd passed away. After working hard in a battery farm for 18 months she was able to live a happy retirement free ranging and getting daily cuddles until finally falling asleep in her favourite chair. Wonderful.

I know these are only chickens and their loss can't be compared to the loss of a loved one so don't worry, I haven't got it all out of proportion. But having nursed these girls to health in the first place, then watched as they learned how to love life, and finally cradling them in their final hours you can't help but ache when it's time to say goodbye.
God bless my darling girls Doris Day, Helen of Troy and Joan of Arc
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