Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Back to her old ways

When we first adopted Helen and Joan they were very much indoor chooks as it was far too cold for them to be outside. They each had a cage to sleep in but during the day they were free to roam around the house. Helen in particular took this opportunity to lay her eggs upstairs on a chair in our bedroom. Well because The Kiwi was renovating their home yesterday Helen was back inside on her favourite chair for her laying procedure. She loved it so much that by 8am today she was in here again. Before settling down to nest she wanted some girl time so we had a little cuddle. She was just dropping off to sleep and all was well til she opened her eyes, tilted her head and pecked out my earring! They were new ones bought for me by my mum in law. So now the big decision - do I just accept that it's gone or do I follow her around all day waiting for her to "pass" it? She's on her chair now so this could be one very special egg that pops out!

There seems to be some interest in The Kiwi.  After giving him the opportunity of a photo moment he decided to be a bit like Charlie out of Charlies Angels - never actually seen.  Rather fancies himself as an enigma but those of you who know him know that couldn't be further from the truth!


Anonymous said...

oh goody we get to see the kiwi hope he is hot and bending over in his shorts its hot where i am and i hope it is where he is the more to see the better. his face would be nice but not essential for what i need.

elaine said...

This is getting beyond a joke hens in your bedroom laying eggs and you know who home, your marriage is in need of help,want some counselling???? You know where I am how about Friday???