Thursday, 14 July 2011

Best Seat In The House

When Buffy was a puppy The Kiwi made her first bed for her.  It was just a little wooden box that she soon grew out of.  Of course it wasn't thrown away (typical man, has to keep everything) it was stored away for the future.  As soon as the chooks arrived it was perfect for them to nest in.  Then when we built them a proper "bedroom" they soon forgot about it, so it's been sitting in their run stuffed with straw, and occasionally one will have a little rest in it but most of the time it's just like an old toy they don't want to play with anymore.

As today is a beautifully sunny day I brought out this old tatty wooden box and put it underneath one of our bushes.  It used to reach to the ground but Polly has devoured the first two feet of it so it's an ideal place for the girls to sit.

What a commotion.  You'd think they'd never seen it before.  First Helen was straight in there scratching round and removing most of the straw that was in there then Mary had a go and then Doris waddled over and made her presence felt.  She clucked and flapped the others out of the way and with a great big "Humph" she settled herself in.  Hasn't moved for the last 2 hours.  Penny and Hetty had a go at getting near but near was all they got.  Doris wasn't giving her space up for anyone.  You will see in the photo that Penny is glaring at her but she ain't budging.  We call her the daft one because she really does appear a bit soft sometimes but she knows what she wants and she knows how to get it! 


Anonymous said...

This is my favourite so far!! I love reading your blog, you must be a very special person to do what you are doing, and you will get your rewards. I am sure just seeing the progress of the chooks is reward enough, but trust me there will be more the universe is like that, you can't stop it. I especailly love the photos thank you

Elaine said...

Love all the new pictures make it so much more real and lovely to see the hens thriving under your care, how lucky are they!!