Monday, 25 July 2011

Work In Progress

Today the Kiwi is working on the chooks' residence. There has been some evidencence that a little rat has visited their stately home and while we have gone to great lengths to get rid we just want to make their place extra safe so today work starts on concreting their conservatory area. Their inner run was done a few weeks ago and we'll be completing the job over the next few days. Kiwi is out there now emptying out their playhouse, perches, sun terrace etc and with each thing he brings out there's more scratching round and chatting amongst themselves about what's happening.

They've been in the garden all day with Polly sunning themselves.  Polly's seen here snuggled up behind a small tree I chopped down a while ago. 

The poblem now is how to get them back into the run without their feet disrupting the wet concrete.   This is the new area being done and I've got to get them into that back area and lock them in there for the night - there will be one racket in the morning when they find they can't come straight out into their conservatory!

Oh and just a little mention of Polly's morning madness - seems to be all quiet at the moment.  To my wonderful friend who suggested an automatic feeder - I shall be eternally grateful.


Anonymous said...

Do we ever get to see a photo of the Kiwi, or maybe a vague discription , I am starting to wish I was a hen, keep picturing him out there all sweaty in this weather. ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh

The Kiwi's Wife said...

Maybe I need to start another blog about The Kiwi!

Brenda said...

No don't do that it would take weeks to describe him.The fact that he lets you be Doris Day,[is more than any woman could wish for,] that's all your readers need to know.Thanks for the mention.

Elaine said...

Blimey only been off line for 2 days and its all getting a bit steamy!!! Know I feel you need a love interest in this blog but the Kiwi and a phantom blogger!!!