Friday, 22 July 2011

Shutting Up Pollyanna

To my lovely friend who left the comment yesterday about Buffy being overweight you will be pleased to know that with me in charge of her food for 3 weeks she is down from 1st 7lbs to 1st 5.5lbs - she's wasting away!

Anyway, onto my mission to keep Polly quiet. Our automatic feeder arrived yesterday and after much confusion we worked out how to use it - or so I thought. I duly filled it up and set it for 6am today. These things are never that straight forward though because on the 2am fox check with The Buff I saw the feeder had already opened. Luckily Pollyanna hadn't and so through half closed eyes I reset it. A blissful nights sleep followed and I presumed the feeder must have been a great success because at 7.30am there was no sound from her. Moments later she was off. The feeder had opened and she hadn't even noticed! I pointed her in the right direction and she gobbled it up so hopefully she'll know where to look for it tomorrow. It did mean that because she was busy I could feed the chooks in peace. She didn't notice me heading into their run with breakfast. Polly does love to get stuck into their yoghurt. Many a time she's come out with it all over her nose with an all too guilty look on her face!

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Will you ever be able to have a holiday ever!!!!