It's obviously been a hard morning and everyone is exhausted. The Kiwi has been on a little trip away and I went to meet him last night so the girls were home alone. They were all fed, watered and safely locked in but I still worried about them. They're used to me always being there and checking on them before I go to bed but there really is no need - they are perfectly fine on their own!
As we had a bit of a late one last night The Kiwi had his afternoon nap when we got home. Now I really don't want you to know what he looks like but as the girls are all pictured at rest in this blog I think he should be too.

When we got home Polly was up at the other end of the garden happily munching away. I shouted to her and it was so lovely, she lifted her head up, couldn't decide whether to carry on eating or not and then with my "Hey Poll" call she ran towards me, tail wagging and ears flapping! Once she'd checked us out and had a wander around inside she settled herself at the foot of the stairs for her "rest time".
If you look closely you'll see 5 of the chooks having their mid afternoon dust bath / nap. Penny was standing on guard while these girls settled down in the soft soil underneath a tree. They make little indentations and snuggle down then flip soil on top of themselves before they nod off. The soil acts as a lubricant and keeps their skin and feathers well oiled.
And last but by no means least is the Buff with her mate Fudge. Both clearly exhausted and oblivious to the rest of the world!
how tempting had almost given up on seeing anything of the kiwi,thanks, more please
Are no we dont need to see the kiwi, Pops
Totally agree with you Pops - absolutely no need for him to be shown to the masses!
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