Thursday, 4 August 2011

What A Madam

My goodness, it all seems to be about Polly doesn't it?  I promise to put in some photos tomorrow of Feathers Lodge but today I was at the end of my tether with the lovely Pol.

She started at 5am bleating intermittently to start with then getting more urgent as I tried to ignore her.  Even Buffy couldn't be bothered springing to her attention.  I got up, put a small bowl of food out to keep her quiet and climbed back into bed.

All quiet until 7am.  First it was the sound of the bashing that got me.  She was round in the area where her food is banging away at her food container.  She wasn't able to open it today so after a while she came to the back door and started tapping her hoof up against it.  Honestly - is there any need?!

We (The Buff and I) got up and I sat on the edge of the dancefloor stroking her but this wasn't what she wanted.  She jumped off and stood looking at the food area, then glanced back at me for a moment and then back at the food.  This went on for some time then she tired of waiting for me to attend to her needs and jumped up on the dance floor behind me and proceeded to head but me into action.

Yes, she rammed me time and time again with her head - now complete with a beautiful set of horns - and when I wouldn't do her bidding she started on Buffy.  Well, The Buff wasn't having it and went straight inside.  I wasn't giving her more food so I pulled more hay out of her bag and she was happy getting stuck into that.  Of course, as soon as I went in to feed the chooks she did her usual stomp over them and anything else that was in her way and knealt down in front of their feeder to try and get some of their pellets.

Have you ever seen anything like this?

Pollyanna is one spoilt little madam!

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