Thursday, 11 August 2011

Bit of a Splash

Buffy loves water.  It must be said that she doesn't do the swimming thing but she loves to wade.  If there's water - she's in it, if there's mud - she's in it.

Quite a combination therefore when you get water and next doors fish pond all in one go.

I'm on feeding duty for fish and tomatoes for a couple of days and while I may well kill the tomatoes I really did think I'd do ok with the fish.  That is until today.  Buffy is facinated with them and frequently jumps up onto the edge to stare down at them.  I'm always with her though and know that she's only being nosey - she wouldn't actually jump in would she?  Yeah right!

There she was walking round the edge as usual, stopping every so often for a closer look.  She even dipped her paw in the water which is a first but I wasn't worried - like I said, she's not a swimmer, just a wader.

First it was just a toe, then her nose then ..........................
SPLASH!  She was in.  She just couldn't help herself could she?  She is actually a very good swimmer it's just that she chooses not to.  She successfully made it to the other side then got all a fluster as she struggled to get out.  I heaved the grateful mutt up and while she didn't try and get back in with them I bet she has another go tomorrow.  Yet another note to self "NEVER leave Buffy alone with fishys!

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