Last Thursday our Pollyanna had a bad tummy. Without wanting to get too graphic, you know those little currenty type poos that sheep normally do? Well she was doing full on cow pats! Not nice. Also, she had no interest in food and was very lethargic. Just wanted to come in and lie down in the kitchen and feel sorry for herself.
Unfortunately we were due to be going away for a couple of nights but I wasn't happy leaving her until we knew she was going to be ok. We had Ranger Tam O'Shanter round to give her the once over. He won't like to admit it but I think he still feels rather responsible for her as he's the very gent that foisted her on us in the first place.
We're lucky enough to have a very good friend who's a vet but Ranger Tam O'Shanter is always our first port of call. He's done all her vaccinations and ear tagging. Who better to shove a thermomiter up her bottom? He tried his best to get me to do it but to my shame I went abit squeamish and had to get the Kiwi to take charge. He did it without upsetting Polly too much and as it turned out her temperature was fine anyway.
The next day she was very much improved. Her appetite was a little better and she was munching away at her favourite things, she was even licking the radiators with gusto!
We'd lined up a hole host of people to keep a check on her so felt it was ok to take our little trip away. We couldn't take Buffy with us and she'd got a reservation in a lovely place down the road known as her Grandparents home. They love having her and she loves to be there but as soon as she got the vibes that a trip was afoot she climbed firmly in the driving seat and wouldn't get out!

On our return we found out that our girls had indeed been looked after very well by my friend's son who is to be known as HYM as he is a very handsome young man. There was one blip when he very kindly took her down to his garden for a little chomp on their grass. I often take her there myself and barricade the fence with chairs so she can't get out. Well, HYM did exactly that, then when he wasn't looking she bolted! Yes, she wanted to come home so she pushed her way through the offending obstacles and left their premises. Thankfully we only live a few doors away and as she was trotting happily home another neighbour managed to get hold of her and brought her back to our front garden where she tied her up.
So, a big thank you to all concerned (and you know who you are). Without Godparents, Grandparents, Rangers, Neighbours and HYM it would be a very different matter if we wanted to have a little break.